Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Children Of The Dark

On a day such as this... Gay Christmas some call it, Halloween to others, I wanted to put up something spooky but I just can't stop listening to this damn song by SSION.  An artsy-indie-dance band from the bastion of all things queer & arty... Kansas City? Well music has no borders I say.  Its a little bit Culture Club, its a little bit Scissor Sisters and yes, even a little bit Pet Shop Boys.  Sound campy and fun? IT IS. And for even more fun I highly suggest watching the video right here.  Its a bit out there, but like a good car-wreck you just can't stop watching... and I guess the title sounds a bit Halloweenie..

SSION - My Love Grows In The Dark

I've posted another track by Lightbluemover before.  But what I didn't realize until today, was that Lightlbuemover and Adultnapper are the same person. And in keeping with the season... this one passes the Halloween test. Its got weird creepy vocals and everything!  And just in case it needed to be cooler its featuring Black Light Smoke(also featured here before) and its on Toronto's own My Favourite Robot Records. Any more boxes I could check??

Lightbluemover - Children Of A Lesser Dog feat. Black Light Smoke

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