Monday, June 22, 2020

Some Happy, Toe-Tappy

Welp, I just had a look at the way I began my last blogpost, in January of 2019:

"2019 eh? Life has certainly changed..."

Think I might have jumped too soon on that one, because HELLO 2020, YOU TOTAL FUCKING MESS.

So now that the obvious is acknowledged, let's get to the good shit. And 2020 has certainly brought me lots of that, I think I've only been to one club this most of what I have been discovering is via the beautiful souls that have been putting up Live Streams for us since March, via friends sharing their new discoveries or via the ever so amazing Spotify algorithm. As I look back through the tracks I intend to post I realized its all VERY vocal house, thats never a bad thing, and I guess with all thats going on in the world, some happy, toe-tappy is just what we need.

So in the meantime, before Charles has this years No Pots and Pans ready to tide us all over for the next however much longer we have no where to go hear good music outside of our house for, theres this.

Hope it helps.